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Terran Wild-life Relocation

work begins on the new TWP facilities

Starship Enterprises is in the process of moving their subsidiary company 'The Terran Wild-life Project' from its former base on So-Yeon to the new headquarters of SE on Whitson. This company began life as a small research project, breeding clones of Earth animals to be released onto newly terraformed planets but it soon attracted the attention of Dr. Lewis Chapman, who took a personal interest in the projects mandate. Dr. Chapman not only provided the Wild-life project with financial backing, and helped the company to grow, but also made a private investment, purchasing a large number of horses with which he established his '11-O-clock Ranches' on So-Yeon. The ranches continue to be a popular attraction and favored retreat of Dr. Chapman today.

So-Yeon eventually opened a number of large nature reserves filled with once endangered or extinct Earth species and the Terran Wild-life Project prospered greatly.

With the relocation of SE headquarters from Gell-Mann to Whitson, Dr. Chapman has decided he would like to move the Terran Wild-life Project along with them. Whitson's climate is ideal for the project's needs and work began a few weeks ago to construct the companies new facilities. In typical Chapman fashion, the new location is bigger and better than the last one on So-Yeon and negotiations have begun with the 'Mother Gaia' party based in Sol to secure yet more genetic blueprints for the projects catalogs.

The project still needs large amounts of Progenitor cells to create stem cells and grow the animal species, plus a stockpile of Advanced medicines which can be broken down for useful components needed to re-sequence the genetic data. Pilots are asked to provide these two invaluable commodities to Whitson Orbital and support the project.

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