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The Next Big Step

Expansion has been something on the SE agenda for quite some time now, but it is not something that was planned to happen so soon. In recent times however Starship Enterprises Corp has gone from strength to strength in LP 339-7. Not only did the construction of the park and the placement of several tourism beacons bring a much needed inflow of traffic into the system, but the monopolization of the inner planets has helped SE to sit firmly on the throne of power in 339. Trade is at an all time high with projections predicting only growth over the next quarter. The Humanitarian Aid Department has been stomping out famines in the local area to great effect, Tourism and Exploration are currently both booming enterprises, and an SE agent is working on a list of high value systems to gather data from to further help this effort.

All these factors combined have pushed SE over the 60% mark and early preparations have begun to continue that push up to 75% and hopefully expand the corporation.

Dr Chapman has been called back from his talks to scale up SE Mining (one of our less profitable companies at present) so that he can head up the task force involved with the possible expansion. Our sources were told he spent the majority of the first day in his office, contacting any SE Ally and requesting help for this mammoth effort.

The SE quantum supercomputers have applied their algorithms and picked out a system that is most likely to be our expansion target. The system chosen was the Pontus system, a nearby Hudson exploited system with around a billion inhabitants and a military economy.

Our older members will remember that Bonhoff Keep (one of Pontus' two stations) sports an SRV race track which we used to race around long ago. Bonhoff also does a great trade on Muon Imagers, is a good place to pick up none lethal weapons and reactive armor to supply civil wars and also sells a range of thargoid modifications for ships. Bonhoff also gives out a range of interesting combat focused quests (kill skimmers, gank pirates, attack bases etc) for those SE gunslingers wanting to ply their trade.

This is the biggest and most significant move that Starship Enterprises have made in a while now, a process that is being coined as 'the next big step' in the corporations ongoing story.

but it is no joke that LP 339-7 is a singularity of a system to try to escape from, can SE corp manage to attain the required velocity?

only time will tell.

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