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don't wanna jinx it but....

"The Economy of LP 339-7 is better than it ever was before, and it's all thanks to the tireless work of the Starship Enterprises Corporation and it's epic pilots."

This is the kind of thing commonly found on news reports and economic communications across the 339 system.

Thanks to a re-organization in how rewards are distributed to pilots, the folks at SE Corp have managed to continue their push towards expansion, and things have never been more active, or more profitable.

Meanwhile, the outer system of 339 is reporting heightened activities from a neighboring faction of pirates that seem to have muscled into the blue clans territory.

The blue clan themselves have been reduced to a mere handful of miscreants by the hard work done by SE Corp local law enforcement officers and SE Corps Gunslinger Department. However a knock on effect of this was to leave a vacuum that other pirate factions could then fill.

This is something that seems fairly obvious in hindsight and some critics have accused CEO Lewis Chapman of being foolhardy to think his corporation could fully deal with crime in 339.

The eccentric billionaire was ever quick to respond to these remarks, releasing a statement to the press in which he said, "We have dealt with one crime syndicate and we can deal with others too. Besides, if there were no pirates to kill then the Gunslingers would have nothing to get paid for."

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